To My Daughter, With Love
I'm giving you to the winds, to the earth, to the fire, to the water.
I'm giving you to the world, to the future, to the past.
I'm giving you to sorrow, to the tears, to the laughter.
I'm giving you to the stars, to the moon, to the sun at last.

I'm giving you to the seasons, to the days, to the hours.
I'm giving you to the silence, to the music, to the song.
I'm giving you to the questions, to the answers, to the mysteries.
I'm giving you to the right, to the wrong.

I'm giving you to the love, to the pain, to the passion.
I'm giving you to the joy, to the struggle, to the grace.
I'm giving you to the courage, to the fear, to the longing.
I'm giving you to the journey, to the endless space.

I'm giving you to the whispers, to the dreams, to the memories.
I'm giving you to the moments, to the magic, to the chance.
I'm giving you to the hope, to the faith, to the wonder.
I'm giving you to life, to love, to the dance.

And in the giving, I find myself, too.
For you are my heart, my soul, my everything.
And as you spread your wings and take flight,
Know that you are loved, eternally, unconditionally.

To my daughter, with love.